Episode 9: VLM Spotlight: A NICU Mami with Gisela Rodriguez

In 2021, 1 in 10 babies was born preterm in the United States. While this number can be frightening, it is a reality that many mamis have to endure. 

In this Viva la Mami Spotlight episode, I interview Gisela Rodriguez, who is a NICU mami. At 30 weeks, she had to deliver her daughter and was in the NICU for a couple months. Gisela shares her story of having to birth a premature baby. Despite what she had to endure, she found a way to lean in to her support system and overcome the challenges it took during the first few months of her postpartum journey.

If you are a NICU mami and need support, know that there is help out there! Visit the ⁠March of Dimes⁠ online and search for virtual or in-person services in your area.

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